lundi 28 février 2011

Le Journal de Montréal is dead (1964-2011)

Locked out employees from Le Journal de Montreal have accepted the offer from their employer Quebecor and they voted to return to work. However, on a total of 252 employees initially, only 62 will be recalled, the other being discarded by a protocol of financial compensation. Bernard Bujold known very well Le Journal de Montreal as he was an assistant to the President and founder Pierre Peladeau, from 1991 until his death December 5, 1997.
"In a sense, Le Journal de Montreal will be dead under "torture" inches by inches. It would have been better to apply from both sides (employer & union) the scenario of Gesca - Power Corp., the great competitor of Quebecor and former direct rival of the founder of the Journal de Montréal, Pierre Peladeau. Employees of La Presse had to choose between a radical change of structure or closure but with only a few hours to decide. They chose to pay the claim of kidnappers but they have been spared!
To prolong a conflict for over two years is like killing a prisoner under the slow torture. It's painful agony and screaming! Better to be seriously injured and start his life again then dying unnecessarily. Unfortunately, there is no second chance for a recovery scenario!
Péladeau is probably sad in the other world but he is also concluding that all things in life pass away and it is the same with his Journal de Montréal. He would also add if he was alive: "The adventure at the Journal is a story of the past. It was fun, great fun, but now what's next goal! "
It would also say: "Rue Frontenac is a damn good site and it looks a lot like me..."
Photo 1 and 2: Pierre Péladeau;
Photo 3: Bernard Bujold in Paris (2008)
See Biography Pierre Péladeau ;
Link to website Rue Frontenac ;

vendredi 25 février 2011

Anderson Cooper with Gloria Vanderbilt and interesting reading...

Two books to read during a week of skiing, holidays in the sun or the period of spring break: Anderson Cooper: Dispatches from the Edge; and the biography in pictures and text of his mother: The World of Gloria Vanderbilt. Two wonderful books and very well written. Two books which are also very inspiring in front of the obstacles of life!
Must read!
Picture 1: Anderson Cooper and his mother Gloria Vanderbilt ;
Picture 2: Bernard Bujold with the two biographies.
Link Anderson Cooper :
Gloria Vanderbilt link :

jeudi 24 février 2011

Julian Assange lost the first round...

Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, lost in first round his fight to cancel the order for extradition to Sweden where he is accused of rape. The lawyers will appeal the decision of Justice UK within seven days and the final decision might not be known before June. Moreover, even if Julian Assange was extradited and condemned, already several sites comparable to Wikileaks have emerged and it is clear that the processing of information will never again be as before Wikileaks creation. In this sense, Assange has been a pioneer and this despite the possible disappearance of his website.
To be continued ...
Photo: Julian Assange in London with one of his lawyers;
Photos 2 and 3: Julian Assange in London;
See story The New York Times ;
See story The Wall Street Journal ;
See story The Globe and Mail ;
See site Wikileaks ;

lundi 21 février 2011

Spring 2011...

The official arrival of spring is almost on our doorstep because we are exactly one month from March 21, 2011!
To be continued ...
Photo: Tulips in front of the spring sun by Bernard Bujold
See definition of spring;

dimanche 20 février 2011

The music of Montréal HIGH LIGHTS Festival disturb the Old Montreal

Residents of Old Montreal are used to the quiet and charm of the neighborhood but they had the surprise of their life when in full Saturday night the area was invaded by loud music from Mistress Barbara accompanied by a noisy crowd celebrating the event in Montreal High lights.
The Saturday night dinner for several residents and their guests had to canceled and replaced by disappointment and many headaches.
Misstress Barbara and the Montreal High Lights have their place in the cultural Montreal but not in front of the private residences of Old Montréal.
Hope the rest of the year 2011 be calmer!
Photo 1-2-3: Montreal High Lights in Old Montreal
See story and photos noise in Old Montreal ;

vendredi 18 février 2011

Julian Assange and the future of Wikileaks...

Part of the future of Julian Assange will be played next Thursday (February 24) before the Justice in London but the character has already made history.
The journey of the founder of Wikileaks is also reminiscent of that of people like Wael Ghonim or Anderson Cooper. Defenders of freedom of the people beyond the traditional powers.
Several books provide insight into these characters and particular Assange and Cooper. There is a very obvious resemblance between the autobiographies by Julian Assange and Anderson Cooper and the two books are both fascinating and very enlightening. We note in particular that their mother played a significant role in their childhood. Physically, one could almost believe that Assange and Cooper are twins so they have the same face!
Anderson Cooper is a respected journalist who has been proven. What will happen to Julian Assange? To be continued!
Photo1: Julian Assange;
Photo 2: Anderson Cooper by Getty Image for CCN;

jeudi 17 février 2011

The paper book is in danger according to Borders Books

According to the actions by Borders Books, it is clear that the paper book is condemned to a slow but obvious loss to the eBook.
The announcement of the signing of a protocol for protection against its creditors by Borders Books came to the demise of this great dédailllant book which must increasingly give way to Amazon and Google Books.
It will obviously remain the public library but they also bring electronics ... Conclusion: The paper book is in danger!
Photos 1, Borders Books New York;
Photo 2 and 3: Bernard Bujold at the Grande Bibliothèque du Quebec in Montreal;
See The New York Times interview ;
See Amazon ;
View Google Books ;
See website of the Grande Bibliohèque du Quebec ;

Mitsou Gélinas: After and before...

The Quebec artist Mitsou is the subject of a discussion between some photographers and fans who do not like the photograph published by the magazine ELLE Québec, March 2011 edition. The author of the picture is nevertheless a very famous French photographer: Regine Mahaux.
Which do you prefer: the magazine picture or the photo by on right?
Photo 1: Mitsou ELLE Canada in March 2011;
Photo 2: Mitsou by Bernard Bujold -
View personal website Mitsou ;

mercredi 16 février 2011

Bernard Madoff and his secrets...

According to Bernard Madoff, bankers knew perfectly about his financial and investment system and rather than prevent it from continuing,they preferred to look the other side. Madoff made his statements in an exclusive interview with The New York Times.
Towards the end, he even refused to accept new customers, but people begged that he accept new money! It was then the feast as those investors considered themselves fortunate to have convinced Madoff!
That could be called: a turkey happy that Christmas is coming ...
Photo: Bernard Madoff;
See The New York Times interview ;

Liam Neeson and his night in Montreal...

During the night of March 16, 2009, the actor Liam Neeson thought that he could easily find his wife in Montreal, a town he considered warm and welcoming. Instead he found himself in a rather large hospital which refused him entry and was filled with dozens of wounded patients awaiting care by what seemed to be young medical students with no experience.
It was for him like a bad horror movie and that's the story he tells in an interview with Inquire magazine.
Photo: Natasha Richardson and Liam Neeson;
See Esquire interview ;
View Natasha's Facebook page ;

mardi 15 février 2011

Anderson Cooper - A very popular journalist...

According to a survey done for Valentine Day 2011, the majority of women would like to be the girlfriend of Anderson Cooper. Even Lady Gaga said that she loves Anderson style...
Anderson Hays Cooper was born on June 3, 1967 and he is the younger son of the writer Wyatt Emory Cooper (his father) and the artist, designer, writer, and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt (his mother), a great-great-great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt of the prominent Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune...
See website of Anderson Cooper - CNN:

lundi 14 février 2011

Lady Gaga and the Art of Fame

Lady Gaga has reinvented the art of being a star!
Provocative and without taboos, Gaga defines herself as an expert in music. The American journalist Anderson Cooper has encountered Gaga in an interview where she reveals many aspects of her vision of art and of her only passion, music.
Photo 1: Lady Gaga
Photo 2 and 3: Lady Gaga and Anderson Cooper ;
Photo 4: Lady Gaga Grammy's 2011

jeudi 10 février 2011

The birth of the new Egypt

Egypt is currently living a very important page in its history and
Hosni Mubarak's decision to leave confirms the birth of
the New Egypt. A name to watch is that of WAEL GHONIM.
This leader of Google could be a next political leader
Egypt even if he said it will not become a politician
and rather return to her job. He also wants to meet with Mark Zuckerberg
and thank him for creating Facebook that he says
was responsible for the liberation of Egypt. To be continued ...

Photo 1: Hosni Mubarak;
Photo 2: Wael Ghonim;
Photo 3 and 4: Demonstration in Egypt ;

mardi 8 février 2011

Tribute to Isabelle Adjani... The Art of a successfull book!

The literary or musical is a world where everyone knows each other!
So a few months ago, a French journalist contacted Bernard Bujold, the creator of, to interview him about Isabelle Adjani.
"I had photographed her in 2004 at the World Film Festival of Montreal. The journalist from France was referred by one founder of the website Rue 89, Laurent Mauriac, whom I met during a conference on professional journalism. I was very happy to share my experience with Isabelle especially since I always admired this woman and she was the one who inspired me to create the website I was even willing to offer my photos to illustrate the book by the French journalist (Erwan Chuberre). However, out of curiosity, I wanted to know who was the book editor.
Surprise of surprises, it was Pierre Turgeon and his "umpteenth" new publishing house, this time COGITO. I withdrew my offer on the pictures but I squandered my comment that can be read on pages 219 and 220 in the book. I told there my meeting with Isabelle and my photo shoot.
The book THE LEGEND OF Adjani is very well written and we must congratulate the author.
For the success of the book in bookstores, we will have to wait and see the result ...
The art of creating a bestseller, whether in music or literature depends 10% of the author and 90% marketing. In marketing, we can divide tasks into four equal portions which are as follows:
25% publisher; 25% distribution; 25% merchants; and 25% advertising.
To be continued..."
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold and a copy of La Légende d'Adjani ;
Photo 2 -3: Isabelle Adjani

lundi 7 février 2011

The Internet Lottery according to Arianna Huffington

The author of the book FEARLESS, Arianna Huffington has won the lottery of Internet by selling her websites to AOL for a sum estimated at U.S. $ 315 million.
Huffington Group sites are getting approximately 270 million visitors each month worldwide.
Arianna Huffington will continue to head the new network created through the merger with AOL.
Picture 1. Websites Huffington Group ;
Picture 2: Arianna Huffington

vendredi 4 février 2011

The future of newspapers and Rupert Murdoch

The media mogul Rupert Murdoch launched a new Internet newspaper which could well mean the end of traditional paper journals!
THE DAILY is accessible only on iPad but the structure of the newspaper could become the universal model for all news media on the Internet. In total, the invoice launch reached a total of $ 30 million which is very low for such a new medium and it will cost approximately $ 500,000 per week to operate the business. The subscription costs $ 40 per year.
Importantly to note, a social media like MySpace had cost $ 580 million in 2005 to Murdoch and the site has accumulated since losses of $ 156 million. MySpace is now for sale...
The success of The Daily is not acquired but the dice are well thrown!
The only real obstacles that are before Murdoch is the time as he will celebrate his 80th birthday next March 11.
To be continued ...
Photo 1: The Daily on iPad;

jeudi 3 février 2011

The art of journalism in Egypt

The art of journalism does not seem to be well understand by several international correspondents in particular those currently in Egypt. You should have seen, among others, the french journalist from the Quebec television network TVA, Richard Latendresse, to conclude that he was looking more as an entertainer at the Cirque du Soleil and not as a journalist. We can put in the same category the Anderson Cooper or Katy Couric.
One may question the appropriateness for reporters to try to rub with demonstrators in the streets during their confrontations. According to me, rule number 1 in journalism is discretion in information gathering and rule number 2 is objectivity.
We must defend freedom of press, but we must also keep out the arena of combat whether in boxing or in civil wars. The journalist is there to report and not participate ...
Better for a journalist to take a coffee and watch rather than join the war and die in battle without being able to tell his story!
To be continued ...
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold, Montreal;
Photo 2: Geographical position of Egypt;
Photo 3: Events in Egypt
See story Radio-Canada ;
See story CTV - Lisa Laflamme ;

Penelope McQuade on television

The host of the Quebec television Penelope McQuade said she is very enthusiasm for his new television show that will be presented at the Radio-Canada starting on next April 11.
Here's an interview she has given on the subject.
Photo: Penelope McQuade
See interview Radio-Canada;

mercredi 2 février 2011

Egypt in danger...

The violence has taken the place of negotiation in Egypt and the question now arises is whether the U.S. should intervene directly to force Hosni Mubarak to quit while ensuring peace in the country. To be continued ...
Photo 1: Hosni Mubarak
Photo 2. Barack Obama;
Photo 3 and 4: Events in Egypt
See story The Wall Street Journal ;
See story The New York Times ;
See story The Washington Post ;
View Twitter Lisa Laflamme CTV ;
View live video NBC ;

The success of Stephen Harper

Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, seems to have the wind momentum and more and more evidence suggests a possible majority Conservative government at the next election.
Maclean's magazine publishes a full report explaining the reasons for success of this politician and his path despite the obstacles.
Photo 1: Stephen Harper and his family;
Photo 2: Stephen Harper
See story Maclean's Magazine;