lundi 30 avril 2012

Jean Charest and his autobiography...

By Bernard Bujold ( - 
I took the weekend to read the autobiography of Jean Charest written before the provincial election of 1998. The book is obviously out of print (not available in bookstores) but if I were an adviser to this Prime Minister, I would print a new edition for the next election... 
The book describes quite well the character of Jean Charest and one fact that few people remember is that when the prime minister was a young high school student (1970-73), he was president of his school and he was active in Sherbrooke against the authorities as the leader of student strikes... 
The autobiography Jean Charest is a book to read for those who really want to know Jean Charest, allies as opponents! 
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold ( and autobiography Jean Charest (1998);
Photo 2: Jean Charest (2012);
SEE website of the book ;

Catherine Lafrance and the Far North

The author of "La saison froide", Catherine Lafrance, will present in the next few days a second novel to publishers. Her work on the Far North (Yellowknife) published in 2011 has been, and still is, success in bookstores and fans are eager to read more. For those who want to have a perception of life in the North (and indirectly of what awaits workers of Plan Northern Quebec), reading "The Cold Season" is an excellent preamble but the novel is also an excellent book on the life, the pursuit of happiness and love. 
Photo 1: Catherine Lafrance and the book La saison froide ;
See book review of "La saison froide" ;

dimanche 29 avril 2012

Conrad Black is out of Prison...

Conrad Black will be out of prison on next Friday May 4, 2012. To be continued... 
Photo 1: Conrad Black;
SEE Conrad Black story;

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois - The future Prime Minister of Quebec?

The spokesman for the CLASSE, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, is the star of the day in Quebec. 
If a vote to diminish his importance within the CLASSE has been put to the agenda of his organization, we also note that several Facebook pages have been posted about him. Some are even suggesting Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois as a future Quebec Premier to replace Jean Charest... 
To be continuated!
Photo 1: Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois;
Photo 2: The three student leaders;
SEE Facebook page Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois Prime Minister ;
See Tout Le Monde en Parle ;

samedi 28 avril 2012

Jean Charest and the desire to win ...

By Bernard Bujold -
I fairly well known Jean Charest in 1984 with Brian Mulroney and later in 2003 when my colleague of horse riding in Bromont, Pierre Paradis, often spoke of plans to overthrow Jean Charest... 
-In 1984, Jean Charest (26 years) was the Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of the Mulroney government with which I was a press officer. Charest and I were the same age (we are even born a few days near the same month ...) but he was a member and it was said that he was the future of the Conservative Party when Mulroney was tp retire. Charest had the patter and the energy of a young star like a hockey player. Unfortunately, Charest lost the leadership to Kim Campbell fand it was the death of the Conservative Party in Ottawa in 1993. 
-In 2003, I remember many lunches at the stable in Bromont with Pierre Paradis when the latter told me that his Quebec Liberal Party waited for the day after the election to get rid of Jean Charest, who had lost the 1998 election and seemed to lose it during 2003. Complete surprise, Jean Charest won the 2003 election and it is Pierre Paradis, who took the door... In 2003, Charest had put water in his wine against his ennemies in his own party and he cuddled up to the day after his election victory when he only then started to impose his status as a winner and the leader. Politics is a game of chance, of winning moves and errors. But above all we must never underestimate the opponents! 
-In 2012, Jean Charest has made ​​mistakes, and as he is losing his hockey playoff series. The key to success, in hockey as in politics, is to never take the victory for granted and to always play with passion and energy of the beginner. Jean Charest lost his passion and his fire to win! He believed that his talent was enough to give him the victory. The article by Denis Lessard perfectly summarizes the current situation in Quebec.
Photo 1: Brian Mulroney and Mila (photo Bernard Bujold 1984) and Jean Charest;
Photo 2: Bernard Bujold on Parliament Hill in Ottawa (1984);
SEE text Denis Lessard ;

vendredi 27 avril 2012

Canadian Music performed in Russia by Natalia Kononova

Canadian Music is performed in Russia. 
Natalia Kononova, a virtuoso violinist from Montreal, born in Russia (and a friend of Bernard Bujold, will perform a Russian Premier of the Second Violin Concerto of the Canadian composer Anne Lauber on Saturday night April 28th, 2012 in the Philharmonic Hall of Voronezh, Russia. The Voronezh Philharmonic Orchestra will be conducted by Maestro Igor Verbitsky. Congratulations! 
Photo 1 and 2: Natalia Nononova;
Photo 3: City of Voronoezh - Russia;
SEE Natalia Kononova Facebook page ;

jeudi 26 avril 2012

Jean Charest and students - A call to the Canadian Army as in 1970 and the time of the FLQ ...

The conflict between students and Quebec Premier Jean Charest became so violent, and a settlement solution unforeseen and unlikely, there is reason to wonder if these events will not bring back the time of wartime measure as in 1970 with the FLQ. The expulsion of the class from the negotiating table caused another wave of violent breaks in the streets of Montreal and other events are scheduled in the coming days.
Photo 1: Demonstrators in the streets of Montreal;
Photo 2: Jean Charest's his Minister Line Beauchamp;
SEE website of the Class ;

mercredi 25 avril 2012

Claude Benoit and the Quays of the Old Port of Montreal / Journalistic investigation on management...

Management of the Quays of the Old Port of Montreal is in hot water. 
A detailed investigation on the management by Director of the Quays of the Old Port, Mrs. Claude Benoit, and qualified controversial and spendthrift was published by the Journal de Montreal and followed by several Canadian media. The direction of the Old Port has issued a statement saying that spending respect the rules of the Federal Ministries. 
This debate on good management occurs at the same time as the Federal government made deep cuts to the budgets in all departments and where the Minister Bev Oda was forced to apologize in the House and reimburse the government personal expenses for her travel paid for by Canadian taxpayers. 
The Quays of the Old Port is a federal agency. 
Full details of the investigation on the Old Port of Montreal are available at bottom of the main article of the Journal of Montreal on the links on the left - mention (À lire aussi). 
To be continued ... 
Photo 1: Claude Benoit (Photo by Eva Blue);
Photo 2: Quays of the Old Port of Montreal;
SEE full report Le Journal de Montreal ;
SEE Thomas Mulcair House of Commons ;
See Restaurant La Scena Old Port of Montréal ;

mardi 24 avril 2012

Gaspard The Dog is back...

Celine Blanchet is very happy because Gaspard (her dog) is back home. Returning from spring break on March 12 with her children, Celine had learned that the pension where Gaspard was kept had lost him... This is a beautiful hound French - Big Blue de Gascogne- she received it as a gift and there is only one in Quebec and Canada. The dog was last seen near Chambly-Carignan. Gaspard is now safe and after 23 days of a mare, he is back at home since April 3. Celine had mobilized all her friends in the research and had even published a newspaper advertisement. Congratulations and thank you to the rescuers! 
Photo 1: The dog Gaspard;
Photo 2: Celine Blanchet and Gaspard;
SEE Facebook Celine Blanchet ;

dimanche 22 avril 2012

Montreal Earth Day March 2012

Several thousand people gathered to march in honor of the planet. Organizers said there were nearly 300,000 people. Bernard Bujold watched the start of the event at the Place des Spectacles in downtown Montreal.
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold (;
Photo 2: March of Earth Day - Montreal;
SEE photo album;

samedi 21 avril 2012

Presidential elections in France

Francois Hollande won the first round of French presidential elections with 28.4% against 25.5% for Sarkozy. We have to see now where will go  the 20% obtained by Marine Le Pen from the right as Sarkozy on the second vote of May 6. 
Sarkozy and Hollande will compete in the second round and everything will be played on the ground up to May 6. It will be a fight to the finish! 
The analysis of Conrad Black Saturday, April 21 in The National Post is very interesting.
Photo 1: François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy;
Photo 2: Nicolas Sarkozy ;
Photo 3: Marine Le Pen ;
SEE election results reporting ;
See Conrad Black analysis ;

vendredi 20 avril 2012

Jean Charest and the Quebec Students - The solution is a Provincial Election!

The article in La Presse on Friday, April 20 and the comments of the Rector Guy Breton summarize quite well the situation of students against the government and show a likeness to the time of the FLQ. In 1970, the situation between the FLQ and Quebec was similar in many respects except that because there was the kidnapping of a British diplomat, this led the Canadian federal government in the case. Today, the Fed is not concerned (yet...). 
But two things: 1. loss of control by the provincial government and 2. violence scouring the streets and public facilities, are present in 2012 as in 1970. 
CONCLUSION: Only a general election in Quebec will end the conflict because the campaign would be on this conflict and there would be a winner determined by popular vote. 
To be continued... 
Photo 1: Police riot Montreal;
Photo 2: Jean Charest;
SEE report Guy Breton La Presse
See story The Gazette ;
See photo album protests in Montreal ;
See statement from public leaders ;
See Facebook page on Jean Charest resignation ;

jeudi 19 avril 2012

Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean Charest: Luxury Watches

While in Quebec debate on tuition fees looks like a chicane where the Minister wants students to apologize before discussing, much like a mom who does not want to give dessert to his children, the debate in France focuses on the luxury watches owned by President Nicolas Sarkozy. The first round of the presidential election takes place Sunday, April 22. 
The mystery question for Quebecers: How luxury watch does have Jean Charest? A hint: he is a great friend of Nicolas...
Photo 1: Nicolas Sarkozy;
Photo 2: Jean Charest;
Photo 3: Student Leaders;
SEE story watches Nicolas Sarkozy
See other story watches collection Nicolas Sarkozy
See story student demonstrations in Quebec ;

lundi 16 avril 2012

Benedict XVI 85 years old...

Pope Benedict XVI celebrated 85 years (Monday, April 16, 2012). He is sometimes tired but he did not intend to leave office for the cottage...
Photo 1: Benedict XVI;
Photo 2: Fidel Castro and Pope;
SEE Paris Match report
See story birthday 85 years ;

Genevieve Sabourin is preparing for her fight against Alec Baldwin / A story that looks like Model Elle McPherson...

Genevieve Sabourin has not given up and she is preparing alone and on the run for her fight against Alec Baldwin on May 14 before the Justice in New York. 
Genevieve gave a rare interview to the Journal of Montreal where she recounts the events since her arrest on Sunday April 8 and her arraignment the next day for harassment against the actor Alec Baldwin. (see two stories below on this page: 10 and 12 April 2012) 
The least we can say is that Genevieve shows courage in the face of her situation. One can also sympathize with her and wish her good luck! In a way, she is playing the biggest role of her life! Her story is like the one of the model Elle McPherson. After achieving notoriety, what do we do with it? Stay tuned!
Photo 1 and 2: Genevieve Sabourin on the run;
SEE interview Geneniève Sabourin
See coverage of the run Genevieve Sabourin
See story Model Elle McPherson ;

Genevieve Sabourin - Oasis juice - Minister Line Beauchamp - Mark Zuckerberg / THE ART OF SILENCE AND SPEECH...

The art of success in life is the one of knowing when to remain silent and when express his opinion.
-The case of Oasis juice is a good example of a situation where silence will benefit more to the company then a debate for the public popularity. Oasis has made ​​a mistake by attacking a small company in court because of their name and they recognized their mistake and paid. They can never regain their popularity by doing some nice talking but they can continue to sell juice in grocery stores. For OASIS, the silence will be golden... 
-The case of Genevieve Sabourin represent the challenge of finding the good use of a public notoriety capital. This capital will serve in no way to help her career as an actress but it can be exploited if it is targeted to the right product. The challenge is however huge to find this right product but the capital is also very gigantic. 
-The case of Quebec's Minister Line Beauchamp, however, is an example where her presence in the public debate is essential. The article by columnist of La Presse (Patrick Lagacé) expresses very well how the politician should act. 
-Finally, the best example of success between silence and speech is that of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder. His management style and the success of his business is the perfect model for a balanced management of silence and speech. Users criticize him when there are changes in the system but Facebook's users continue to worship this social network which has become a real star of popularity of the modern world! Apple could also be added to the ranks of Facebook with respect of knowing how to manage the silence and speech. Steve Jobs was an ace at management of public image. 
Congratulations to Mark and Steve and good luck to others... 
Photo 1: Oasis Juice, Genevieve Sabourin, Line Beauchamp and Mark Zuckerberg;
Photo 2: Apple Store;
SEE STORY Minister Line Beauchamp
See story Genevieve Sabourin and his return to Montreal ;

Genevieve Sabourin and Alec Baldwin - A love story gone wrong ...

Genevieve Sabourin is well known in Montreal in the artistic world but she is almost unknown to the public. Some of those who know her say there are two sides to the coin and that the theory of harassment would have the foundation of a relationship between her and Alec Baldwin which had already lasted two years. Genevieve Sabourin was released by Justice of New York but she will have to return for the case to be tried on May 14. 
Bernard Bujold ( knew Genevieve the time of one or two evenings (one at the concert and the other at the theater...) about fifteen years ago and he admits that she was a very pretty girl, super nice but also quite ambitious. "If I remember correctly, she said that 'I was too old for her'. Yet I have the same age as Alec... " 
Photo 1: Genevieve Sabourin (photo Casting Agency);
Photo 2: Genevieve Sabourin Justice New York (photo April 9, 2012);
Photo 3: Alec Baldwin;
SEE story New York Daily News
See story The Globe and Mail
See story Paris Match ;
See story La Presse ;

samedi 14 avril 2012

The Spring of Jean Charest - 9 years in power

Nearly 50,000 protesters stormed the Victoria Square in Montreal in front of the offices of Power Corporation and National Bank to oppose the rise in tuition fees in Quebec and mark the ninth anniversary of the arrival of Prime Minister Jean Charest in power at the Quebec National Assembly (April 14th 2003). Several teachers had joined the protesters. 
Photo 1: Demonstrators;
Photo 2: Bernard Bujold (;
SEE photo report ;

SNC Lavalin and their adventures like John Le Carré...

The engineering firm SNC Lavalin is in crisis and while many financial analysts have serious concerns about a possible liquidation like Nortel, other observers see the situation of SNC Lavalin similar to secret stories worthy of a novel by John Le Carre ... Mysterious characters that walk from Libya via Tunisia, Montreal, Mexico and elsewhere. To add to the suspense of the descent by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Friday at the offices of senior executives of the company, some can suggest the presence in the building of SNC Lavalin's Montreal offices of the Consulate of the United States, the enemy number one of Colonel Gaddafi! 
To imagine spies on a secret mission in the consulate, there is not a long distance ... for John Le Carre! 
Photo 1.2 and 3: Building Montreal SNC Lavalin;
SEE photo report ;

vendredi 13 avril 2012

Jean Charest 9th anniversary in power as Prime Minister of Quebec

It is Saturday, April 14, the ninth anniversary of the arrival to power of Prime Minister Jean Charest in Quebec City in 2003. Quebec students who protest against tuition increase promise to celebrate the event... 
Stay tuned! 
Photo 1: Jean Charest and his wife Michelle Dionne;
Photo 2: Jean Charest;
Photo 3: Demonstration of 22 March 2012;
SEE reportage Le Devoir
See photo report demonstration on 22 March 2012 ;

Jean-Luc Mongrain is retiring from Quebecor (TVA and Le Journal de Montreal) ...

Jean-Luc Mongrain is retiring from Quebecor (TVA and Journal de Montreal). The television star from Quebec intends to meet other challenges and he is not considering retirement even though he is 60 years old. The TV star began his career as a radio host in Sherbrooke in 1974 before becoming owner of a weekly in 1982 which he sold to Power Corporation to become a TV presenter in Sherbrooke in 1986. 
Photo 1: Jean-Luc Mongrain;
SEE La Presse report
See biography Jean-Luc Mongrain ;

dimanche 8 avril 2012

Bishop Christian Lépine - Easter 2012

Bernard Bujold ( is a non-practicing Catholic but he likes to talk to religious ever since his childhood when his aunt worked for the village priest giving him access to the rectory and the parish priest ... So he wanted to hear the first official celebration of the new Archbishop of Montreal, Bishop Christian Lepine, during Easter 2012, especially since Bishop visit at the show TOUT LE MONDE EN PARLE was in such an exercise in the style "Iroquois slaughter ... "from the hosts. Bishop Christian Lepine is an intellectual and he is expressing himself like a science professor. One can easily see his brilliance and his intimate knowledge of the religious and mystical. One can believe in his God or another but it is clear that universal force exists. Happy Easter and long life to Bishop Christian Lepine!
Photo 1: Marie Reine du Monde Basilica Montreal;
Photo 2 and 3: Mgr. Christian Lepine;
Photo 4: Bernard Bujold (;
SEE LeStudio1 photo album, com ;