mercredi 23 novembre 2011

National Bank of Canada in turmoil for its use of English as working language ...

National Bank of Canada is in turmoil as it was unveiled by media that employees of several divisions have to work only in English.
National Bank joins the Caisse de dépôt du Québec in this story of unilingual anglophone senior executive in institutions identified as a Quebec institution and where, therefore, the use of French as a working language is essential. National Bank likes to identify herself as the bank the most representative of Quebec economy...
The journalist Nathalie Petrowki cites the case of another large company in Quebec, such as Cirque du Soleil, whose leaders work in French throughout the world. The journalist asked why the National Bank works in English in Quebec?
To be continued...
Photo 1: Louis Vachon, President of the National Bank;
Photo 2: Reception desk:
Photo 3: Louis Vachon front of a poster English;
View inquiry by La Presse ;
See editorial Nathalie Petrowski ;
See response of the National Bank

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