By Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) -
Alexandre Trudeau, filmmaker and son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau, is one of the stars at the World Film Festival of Montreal, 2012 edition. The new documentary film called : THE NEW GREAT GAME explains the politics around Arab oil transportation via the Indian Ocean and the problem of Somali pirates. The film highlights the role of the United States and the competition with China for oil. The documentary will be shown on CBC / Radio-Canada in the fall. Alexandre Trudeau is the author of a dozen documentary films in his career. Several personalities were present at the first WFF with Phyllis Lambert and Justin Trudeau, the brother of Alexander.
Photo 1.2: Alexandre Trudeau;
Photo 3: World Film Festival;
Photo 4: Movie poster Alexandre Trudeau ;
See photo report LeStudio1.com ;
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