mercredi 3 avril 2013

Jews by Lise Ravary...

By Bernard Bujold ( -
Journalist and former editor of popular magazines including Chatelaine, Lise Ravary, has published a sort of autobiography of her conversion to the Hasidic Jewish religion. A captivating book for those wondering about the Hasidic Jews and their religious behavior. The book also sheds light on the urban legend surrounding Lise Ravary whose passage to the Jewish religion had made some talk among journalists who knew her. Personally I am not a close friend of Lise Ravary as I met her briefly while she was at Chatelaine and I at Air France, but her story intrigued me. 
Her book is especially topical with the many changes in religion around the world, including the recent appointment of Pope Francis. Whether you are Catholic or Jew, there is a common point and that is the belief in a supreme God and basically the goal is for all to manifest kindness to others. In a sense, the book makes us understand that a reconciliation between all religions is essential and logical. 
The book is well written and interesting to read in addition to being illuminating about the religious.
Photo 1 and 2: Cover of the book and Lise Ravary:
See website of the book ;

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