samedi 19 décembre 2020


By Bernard Bujold - 
The Gilbert Rozon story is a perfect reflection of what human society is, at least as I understand it! I knew Gilbert well, as one of the characters working in the artistic world, which world was at the center of one of my former lives. So I was able to observe how this world operates. 
It was Pierre Péladeau who once explained to me that nothing in life is free! "A person covets something, but he will have to exchange something else to get it. Why are people so kind, flattering and tolerant of those who are rich and powerful? In the hope of being able to participate in the feast of their wealth. 
Personally, I hate to socialize at fundraising events, but I've lived through hundreds of them. Why did I have to go on social outings? Simply because I wanted to meet powerful people who would help me advance my career plans. Today I know that the powerful never share unless there is a profit in it. They will give, but nothing is free. 
Covetousness has no gender and the concept is as much masculine as it is feminine. Many of the people I've come into contact with, in all my lives, were willing to get close to another person whose behavior was contrary to their values, male or female, in the hope of gain, financial or social status. Sometimes a woman will dream of becoming the exclusive spouse of a rich and powerful man, while the rich man will want nothing more than temporary and non-exclusive encounters. 
The problem is the perception of supply and demand, and the lack of lust. 
The solution: To know how to define lust for one's happiness. 
Personally, I haven't attended a fundraising event in at least 20 years, and I'm not at all unhappy about it! 

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