mardi 11 août 2020



By Bernard Bujold- 
There were still a few places left in Montreal where one could recollect with one's soul and rejoice in being alive. The year 2020 will have put an end to this last pleasure. 
We should not be under any illusion, the world of 2020 is polarized into two equal parts and neither half agrees with the vision of life of the other half, the feeling being rather one of destruction. It is obvious that the war at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts will kill the institution. 
Personally, for one, I liked going to the museum for two reasons: 1. the exhibitions and the great richness of the permanent collection; 2. the thought in my mind that the museum was the work of the enthusiasm and dynamism of its director, Nathalie Bondil. 
We go to an institution, attend a concert, go to a restaurant or use an object mainly because of its leader and creator who inspires and seduces us. I can no longer be happy to visit the museum knowing that the board of directors has killed (figuratively speaking) the beauty of the work that Nathalie Bondil's work represented. The image in my mind will now be one of betrayal and war in the "Claudius" style, but hey, so goes life. 
In 2020, there are no more newspapers; there is no more circus; the corona virus has brought us the mask and the confinement; and the giant that was the Museum of Fine Arts is dead. 

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