samedi 13 décembre 2014


By Bernard Bujold ( - 
I just finished reading the canadian history written by Conrad Black: RISE TO GREATNESS - THE HISTORY OF CANADA. The 1,106-page book is a true overview of 400 years of history and we can conclude that Black has managed the feat! 
Anyone who wants to know Canada will benefit from reading this book. 
The story begins with Samuel de Champlain and ends with Stephen Harper and Philippe Couillard. Anything goes: the wars with the Iroquois; the struggles between France, Britain and the United States to control Canada at birth; the founding of Canada at the time of John A. Macdonald; relations of Canada, led by MacKenzie King, with Hitler before and during the Second War; the evolution of Quebec from Maurice Duplessis through Jean Lesage, René Lévesque and Robert Bourassa; and analysis of the role of all modern Prime Ministers from Pierre E. Trudeau, Jean Chrétien, Brian Mulroney and of course Stephen Harper. 
Conrad Black has probably finished the book before the arrival of Pierre-Karl Peladeau in politics because he does not mention him. He ends his book by saying that Philippe Couillard, that he calls an"estimable"man and an unambiguously federalist, should be "fighting" with Ottawa for a rightful place of Quebec in Canada. Black also suggests that leaders from Ottawa and Quebec should be more imaginative to bring together the country and respect its founding cultures. 
Conrad Black believes in the future of Canada and he is obviously a deeply convinced federalist. 
The book is published only in English, but translation is under discussion. The book deserves to be translated since it directly, in addition to English Canada, address all Francophones from Quebec and France and there is no doubt that the look on the history of Canada will contribute directly to political discourse of the coming years, especially with the new momentum envisaged by the Parti Québécois!
Personally, I loved the Conrad Black's book and I recommend it to everyone, including Pierre-Karl Peladeau...
PHOTO 1 and 2: Conrad Black;
PHOTOS 3 AND 4: Cover of the book; 

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