THE WAR OF NOVEMBER 2020 - By Bernard Bujold- The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, started his campaign for the War of November 2020 on the first day of the Summer.
The President talked for almost two hours in front of his supporters, and he was in a great energy. One could say that he was energetic as a man of 50 years old... The rally was the first since the Coronavirus confinement. The fight is now full speed ahead to November 3, 2020.
THE SUMMER SEASON 2020 - By Bernard Bujold - The 2020 Summer season starts today, Saturday 20 June at 5.44 pm. Will it be a good summer? According to weather experts, it will be hot, but we can also predict a somewhat "dull" summer because there are no major social activities on the program this year.
There will of course be the sun and the cottage, for those who love the sun, and those who have a cottage... Personally, my favourite season, in terms of life memories, is summer but it is autumn for the temperature because I don't like heat for heat's sake.
My favourite childhood memory in summer is the cows that came to graze in front of the family home. I loved to watch and talk to the herd! Those were the good old days, which no longer exist today, not even in the Gaspé Peninsula. If the 2020 era is far from the romanticism of my childhood, and I am also in another cycle of life (not to say an old man), we must however continue to live and enjoy each present moment (the NOW moment).
We must accept what life offers us, with or without a cottage, young or old! Have a good summer 2020!
THE PLEASURE OF COFFEE... By Bernard Bujold - For the past few years, my favorite coffee shop in Montreal was the NESPRESSO on Crescent Street.
I liked to go there because the atmosphere was pleasant. The confinement changed everything. I wanted to revisit my favourite café on the eve of the first day of summer 2020, and I thought I was on a spaceship,
like Commander Picard's ENTERPRISE.
A little more and I was offered a hologram coffee!
If the outside window hasn't changed, the inside welcome is everything but that of a coffee shop. I was able to leave with a ration of capsules, but I had to wait until I got home to enjoy it, in the company of Ulysses and the herd... Have a good summer 2020! SEE PHOTOS
IT'S GREGORY CHARLES's FAULT... - By Bernard Bujold - Prime Minister Canada, Justin Trudeau, wanted to do everything possible to seduce the UN leaders and to win their support, he offered them a virtual Gregory Charles show the day before the vote!
Following the result of the vote and its failure, one could conclude that the show did not please to offer the people of the UN... SEE STORY
THE PLEASURE OF LIFE... By Bernard Bujold - What's left in life if there's no more fun? After my Apple store on Sainte-Catherine Street, which erected a giant plywood wall in front of its window; my favourite museum on Sherbrooke Street, which has become difficult to access; my Portuguese restaurant on Peel Street, which has been closed for months; my favourite classical music radio station has disappeared from the airwaves to make way for a kind of pop-disco radio station style Travolta, whose music reminds me of the Joker coming down the stairs in the movie Batman...
How far can we see all our happiness disappear from our lives and continue to be happy? I loved the classical radio, invented by Jean-Pierre Coallier and taken up by Grégory Charles. Closing it is for me as a personal mourning! SEE STORY CLOSURE SEE STORY JEAN PIERRE COALLIER
HAPPY BIRTHDAY... By Bernard Bujold - Today on this Tuesday, June 16, is the birthday of a friend and a great Quebec actress and host, Danielle Ouimet. I wish her a very happy birthday 2020 and we offer her, me and Donald (whose birthday was last Sunday June 14th), these seasonal flowers, in all friendship! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Danielle! SEE BIOGRAPHY
THE 2020 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION - By Bernard Bujold - The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has two elements playing in his favor for the next Presidential Election on November 3, 2020. First is Joe Biden very « shaky » performance as candidate every time he is speaking in public. The Democrats are at lost with such candidate. The second advantage for Trump is the silent majority which do not show his opinion but will vote for Donald come November. SEE STORY SILENT MAJORITY
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR DONALD - By Bernard Bujold - The President of the United States Donald J. Trump is turning 74 years old today, Sunday, June 14, 2020! His close friends still call him DONALD, and that is the way he likes to be called.
If his age is 74, he has the energy and the look of a man of 54! All the best on your 2020 Birthday, dear Donald, and may next November 3rd be another great victory for you!
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