
By Bernard Bujold ( ) -
The candidate Mélanie Joly has momentum and, in politics as in sport, it is essential!
According to the survey by Radio-Canada conducted between 11 and 15 October 2013, the classification of the four leading candidates is as follows:
Denis Coderre 41%
Mélanie Joly 24%
Richard Bergeron 21%
Marcel Côté 11%.
Mélanie Joly does not seem to make the mistakes of those who had the momentum in the past as a Mario Dumont, who would have become Prime Minister in 2007 if he had not sent some of his close people from his entourage packing saying that he was the boss...
Jacques Duchesneau did almost the same thing in his campaign for mayor in 1998.
Invitation by Melanie to Marcel Côté to join her party was smart even if he refused because we can predict that Côté will not be elected mayor, but the majority of its candidate will be. And by inviting Côté, Melanie shows that she will be able to work with others who are not of her party. In addition, several candidates of Côté begin to be disappointed with their leader but they can not leave the boat a few days before the election...
Regarding the case Bibiane Bovet, Melanie quickly responded to the AMF inquiry in rejecting her candidacy and none of the opponents will be able use the angle of former escort which quickly became anecdote. In all other parties there are several candidates unconventional as people bankrupt , gays , actors, old , young and even a candidate at City Hall ( Michel Brûlé ) has already stated plainly have used escorts in his past . Moreover , I even received a few messages telling me that a candidate ( Bibiane Bovet ) ex-prostitutes was a breath of fresh air and it would be good for the defense of their rights. So rather than detract from Mélanie Joly, the presence of the candidate brought her new support but the AMF investigation was something else.
The debate at Tout le Monde en Parle has not confirmed a winner as each candidate hold their ideas but the format of pre-registration of the tv programm does not connect with the news. The debate at the Chamber of Commerce and broadcast live on RDI ( 5:30 pm Monday, October 21 ) should better define the final race.
The mayoral race is like a horse racing and the horses are in the last right before the finish line... Stay tuned!
Photo 1: Mélanie Joly, Denis Coderre, Richard Bergeron and Marcel Côté ;
Photo 2 and 3: Mélanie Joly ;
Photo 4 : City of Montreal ;
See report survey Radio-Canada ;
See story La Presse survey analysis ;
See website Tout le monde en parle by Radio -Canada ;
See story Bibiane Bovet ;
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