The information website RUE FRONTENAC is threatened of final closure in less than 30 days unless a financial solution is discovered!
This site is one of the best in Quebec in terms of its quality as information website but it lacks the essential element to survive, a convergence that would allow it to be financially funded.
The situation is similar in all respects to that of LeStudio1.com. We had over 60,000 subscribers by emails and a rising visibility with over 4000 daily visitors on the website. We were a small group of 5 persons but we had among us a financial patron and our goal was to "sell" our project to a large group, either French, Canadian or American, and that from its starting in 2005.
When the financial patron died in late 2008 and that we could not complete any negotiations with major private press groups, we knew the project was doomed to die and it would not continue. The group was closed in December 2009 and I kept the website as a personal blog with Miss X and the mascots ...
The site RUE FRONTENAC has two major differences compared to LeStudio1.com site. It is primarily a social project, not a private business project, and secondly the team consists of a few tens of the best journalists and press photographers in Quebec.
If I have any advice to the organizers of Rue Frontenac it is to seek convergence towards electronic media rather than paper media. According to me, a group like Tele-Quebec is interesting because it could enjoy the contents of RUE FRONTENAC and the work of its journalists. This television network is currently disabled because it does not have a newsroom (even the Weather Network presents news bulletins).
RUE FRONTENAC is the best in town but with no money, it's the end of the trip. Good luck!
Photo 1 : Logo Rue Frontenac;
Photo 2: Newsroom of Rue Frontenac ;
Photo 3: Journal de Montreal's ex-headquarters building;
See La Presse analysis ;
See protection against creditors ;
See Le Devoir analysis ;
See site Rue Frontenac ;
See site Télé-Québec ;
See La Presse analysis ;
See protection against creditors ;
See Le Devoir analysis ;
See site Rue Frontenac ;
See site Télé-Québec ;
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