dimanche 8 avril 2012

Bishop Christian Lépine - Easter 2012

Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) is a non-practicing Catholic but he likes to talk to religious ever since his childhood when his aunt worked for the village priest giving him access to the rectory and the parish priest ... So he wanted to hear the first official celebration of the new Archbishop of Montreal, Bishop Christian Lepine, during Easter 2012, especially since Bishop visit at the show TOUT LE MONDE EN PARLE was in such an exercise in the style "Iroquois slaughter ... "from the hosts. Bishop Christian Lepine is an intellectual and he is expressing himself like a science professor. One can easily see his brilliance and his intimate knowledge of the religious and mystical. One can believe in his God or another but it is clear that universal force exists. Happy Easter and long life to Bishop Christian Lepine!
Photo 1: Marie Reine du Monde Basilica Montreal;
Photo 2 and 3: Mgr. Christian Lepine;
Photo 4: Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com);
SEE LeStudio1 photo album, com ;

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