By Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) -
LA PRESSE launched yesterday evening, Wednesday- April 18, at Montreal her new Internet format. A bold challenge, but that is likely to succeed because it is obvious that the paper format is dying. Discovery at the launch: La Presse is definitely behind Justin Trudeau while Le Journal de Montreal is obviously with Pauline Marois ... (Appointment of Pierre Karl Peladeau at Hydro Quebec). The launch party of La Presse had for a moment the look of a liberal political convention with Justin behind the scenes on the big screen...
What do I think of the new format?
LA PRESSE is in front of the parade for sure, and even if the system needs polishing, it represents the direction to be taken by all media, newspapers as well as radio and television on the Internet. The big losers who will have to adjust more quickly are LE DEVOIR and LE JOURNAL MONTREAL, even THE GLOBE AND MAIL, because the pay wall has no longer a place on the Internet. The new edition of La Presse is available on iPad only at the moment.
To be continued...
Photo 1.2: Launch Party PRESS;
Photo 3: Editor Guy Crevier;
See new website LA PRESSE;
See story The Globe and Mail ;
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